It's unlikely there's a plugin to do what you want to do since javascript is
client side, and saving to any sort of database would require at least some
web service.

On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Pragan <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am looking to implement a rating system using thumbs up thumbs down.
> So far with my search, I was able to find only star rating system. I
> would like to do the following thing:
> 1) Show two images(one for up and one for down).
> 2) when clicked, it has to store the count in the mysql db and show a
> message saying "thanks and hide the images.
> 3) I like to have just four fields : 1) id 2) URL 3) UP 4) DOWN
> id - primary key
> URL - site for which it has been rated
> up -increase the count if this is clicked in any url where the script
> is implemented.
> down - increase the count if this is clicked in any url where the
> script is implemented
> Example:
> id   |      url                   |       up       |         down
> 1                     22                  34
> 2              10                  6
> Please let me know, if there is any plugin that already exists which I
> use to learn or how to do this. I am trying to avoid a page refresh so
> I prefer to just show the thanks message.
> I can explain it again, if this is not clear.
> thanks
> pragan

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