I need to bump this.  I'm getting the exact same problem.  Using
jQuery 1.3 and the load() function.

Firebug will show the full response within a couple hundred
milliseconds, but the browser will not display the response for at
least three more seconds.  I'm really not sure what's going on.  I'll
be working on this one.  If any kind soul would like to lend a hand,
you can view the site at http://tev.educationvacation.org.  Thanks!

On Jan 12, 1:27 am, Genus Project <genusproj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could anyone tell me what is wrong with this code? :(
> function sendAjaxRequest(param,listener){
> $.ajax({
>    type: "POST",
>    dataType: "json",
>    url: "index.php?page=ajax",
>    data: param,
>    success: function(data){
>      if(data.status==0){
>         $("#"+listener).trigger('trueSuccess',[data]);
>      }else{
>         $("#"+listener).trigger('trueError',[data]);
>      }
>  },
>     error: function(){
>       data='An Unexpected error has occured. Please try again later.';
>       $("#"+listener).trigger('unexpectedError',[data]);
>     }
>   });}
> success event trigger a few more seconds after the response is already
> received from the server.
> 1. response received + few more seconds before triggering success.
> this is the only time i encountered this one. some of my projects is
> not the same as this. But on my previous projects i did not put it in
> a function and not in a separate JS file. this is right here is on a
> different js file and within a function. Does it matter? Im really
> lost pls help
> website ishttp://creativouae.com/creativo_leave

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