Do you have a link?  It's a little hard to diagnose without being able to
see the problem(s).


On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 10:04 AM, mckag001 <> wrote:

> I have superfish dialed in great except for two little issues.
> 1. In IE6, whenever I hit the back button after clicking on a button,
> the button (along with the dropdown) appears with the highlighted
> color. Almost as if something is set to remind the user where he/she
> is coming from? I want to disable this.
> 2. How do I make it stay on the highlighted color per section? Right
> now the highlighted button goes away and you have no way of knowing
> what section you're in. Is there something built in already, or will I
> have to set variables with conditional statements per section?
> Thanks in advance!

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