that's an useless pice of code, what does the trigger_form_submit()
function do, and where is jQuery in that?

On Jan 21, 4:19 pm, Robert <> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a Problem with a CSS-Button. Evertime when I click the Button,
> the formular will be send three times.
> A normal input submit button does the same task exactly one time.
> Here is my Code for this Button (only the first button is important,
> Abort Button works fine at it is). jqeury 1.2.6 is included
> <div class="buttonleiste">
>       <a style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;"
> onclick="trigger_form_submit(this, 'ok')" id=""
>      class="button_ok button_all" href="javascript:;"><span
> class="button">Login</span></a><input
>       type="submit" style="display: none;" name="button[ok]"/>
>       <a style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;"
> onclick="trigger_form_submit(this, 'abort')" id=""
>      class="button_abort button_all" href="index.php"><span
>      class="button">Abort</span></a><input type="submit"
> style="display: none;" name="button
>        [abort]"/>
> </div>
> Thanks for your help

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