Rick, I don't think Ricardo meant to be "damning". Your response was a
bit harsh. Perhaps English isn't his native language, or perhaps he
typed his response in a rush without thinking about the wording.

I find that I think the best of people's motives and it makes things a
lot easier (and it's usually right). Fighting fire with fire just
leaves more burnt.

Anyway, back on topic...

Karl Rudd

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 9:37 AM, Rick Faircloth
<r...@whitestonemedia.com> wrote:
>> "that's a useless pice (sic) of code"
> Can't you think of a less damning way to that, Ricardo?
> Perhaps, "I'm not sure what your code is supposed to do.  What does
> the trigger_form_submit() function do?  And I don't see where
> any jQuery fits into your code."
> See how nice that sounds and still gets across your point.
> How old are you Ricardo?  You must be about 20 to so young and arrogant
> in your remarks toward others.  You should be glad you don't get
> treated that way by others who know more than you.
> Lighten up on people!
> Rick
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On 
>> Behalf Of Ricardo Tomasi
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 4:54 PM
>> To: jQuery (English)
>> Subject: [jQuery] Re: multiple submit sends with CSS Button
>> that's an useless pice of code, what does the trigger_form_submit()
>> function do, and where is jQuery in that?
>> On Jan 21, 4:19 pm, Robert <kont...@robert-natus.de> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > i have a Problem with a CSS-Button. Evertime when I click the Button,
>> > the formular will be send three times.
>> >
>> > A normal input submit button does the same task exactly one time.
>> >
>> > Here is my Code for this Button (only the first button is important,
>> > Abort Button works fine at it is). jqeury 1.2.6 is included
>> >
>> > <div class="buttonleiste">
>> >       <a style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;"
>> > onclick="trigger_form_submit(this, 'ok')" id=""
>> >      class="button_ok button_all" href="javascript:;"><span
>> > class="button">Login</span></a><input
>> >       type="submit" style="display: none;" name="button[ok]"/>
>> >
>> >       <a style="float: left; margin-right: 10px;"
>> > onclick="trigger_form_submit(this, 'abort')" id=""
>> >      class="button_abort button_all" href="index.php"><span
>> >      class="button">Abort</span></a><input type="submit"
>> > style="display: none;" name="button
>> >        [abort]"/>
>> > </div>
>> >
>> > Thanks for your help

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