> > I need some help here guys.
> > I'm trying to modify the content-type and accept-charsetrequest
> > headers of an ajax call and it seems that beforeSend does not really
> > change the XHR object.
> > My code is something like this:
> >                 beforeSend : function(xhr) {
> >                         
> > xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept-Charset','windows-1253');
> >                         
> > xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-type','application/x-www-form-
> > urlencoded;charset=windows-1253')
> >                 }
> > I need the charset to be windows-1253 and not UTF-8, as the database
> > and everything in between (server side scripts) are encoded with
> > windows-1253.
> > My html page has the correct charset specified:
> >         <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
> > charset=windows-1253" />
> >         <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript;
> > charset=windows-1253" />
> > If I submit the form without ajax, the charset is ok and my data is
> > saved correctly. Otherwise non-latin characters are replaced with
> > weird characters. From what I understand, changing the charset &
> > encoding to UTF-8 is currently not an option.
> > Any suggestions? Is this a jquery bug or I'm I doing something wrong?

> It seems that when I use GET instead of POST, the content type header
> is correctly changed to what I specify.
> But even so, this is not a stable fix as I want to POST.
> Any ideas?

Hi Nicolas,

Can you post a link to a page that shows this behavior?  How are you
observing the outgoing request headers?


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