Oh... Thanks.

Gonna stick to livequery a little longer, then.

On 23 jan, 23:19, Mike Alsup <mal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm having a strange behavior of the new .live() method when used on a
> > submit event. The biggest problem is on IE7, but there is a minor
> > problem on other browsers too.
> > The problem is that if I'm binding alivesubmit event on a form not
> > present in the document, the submit event is not triggered when I
> > submit the form (newly created) later on.
> > You can see an example here 
> > :http://www.pixelastic.com/tests/jquery-live-submit-ie7
> > By clicking on the 'Add form' link, a new form is added to the page.
> > There is also alive('submit') on this form, but it is not triggered
> > on IE7.
> > I've tried binding a 'normal' submit event just after creating the
> > form, and it works, so it really is a problem with the .live() method.
> > As a sidenote, I had to explicitly select my form with form#myForm
> > because only #myForm did not worked on any browsers.
> > Is that a known limitation I wasn't aware of or am I doing something
> > wrong ?
> The submit event is not supported bylive.
> http://docs.jquery.com/Events/live
> Currently not supported: blur, focus, mouseenter, mouseleave, change,
> submit

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