You can use async: false, check the docs:

That's the closest thing to a 'pause' in JS, but that is not good as
it will freeze the whole browser while waiting for the server
response. The best solution would be to use the load callback, but
then you can't change the return value.

$(this).load(url, function(){
 //do whatever returning true would do

On Jan 28, 3:52 pm, jay <> wrote:
> This could be accomplished using a synchronous xmlhttp call (does
> jQuery even support this?), or you could put a while loop before the
> return true to poll a variable that is set in the callback.  You would
> probably want to set the variable if there is an error as well so that
> the browser doesn't freeze too long.
> On Jan 28, 10:33 am, Adam <> wrote:
> > How can I wait for the load() function to finish before executing the
> > next line of code?  The code that I need to execute after load() is
> > finished cannot be called within the callback function.  I basically
> > need to return true after the load has finished but not beforehand.
> > Here's the relevant code:
> > jQuery(this).cluetip({
> >                                         cluetipClass: 'jtip',
> >                                         arrows: true,
> >                                         dropShadow: false,
> >                                         hoverIntent: false,
> >                                         sticky: true,
> >                                         mouseOutClose: false,
> >                                         closePosition: 'title',
> >                                         closeText: 'close',
> >                                         activation: 'click',
> >                                         local: true,
> >                                         hideLocal: true,
> >                                         onActivate: function() {
> >                                                 var url = 
> > jQuery(this).attr("href");
> >                                                 jQuery(this).load(url);
> >                                                //dont' return true
> > until load() is finished
> >                                               return true;
> >                                         }
> >                                 });

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