
I'm using the ui slider plug-in as a time line for a javascript+flash
mp3 player- so I'm setting the min value to 0, and the max value to
the duration of the audio clip.

Everything works as expected, and I can adjust the location of the
handle based on the playback progress.

Now I want to be able to click on the handle and fire off an event;
unfortunately, and I'm guessing this is because of the large min/max
range, if I click on the handle, it moves slightly, which causes the
audio playback to shift.

I'm not sure if this is a snap-to feature/bug of the slider?

I tried playing with different step values, but couldn't get it to act
as I wanted.

Does anybody know how I can keep the slider from moving when I click
on it? but I still want to be able to slide it? is that reasonable?

I'm using jquery 1.3 (Revision: 6104), and ui.core and ui.slider



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