So I grabbed a copy of ui.slider and ui.core from trunk, and it does
indeed fix the issue with clicking on the handle; it is now clickable,
and it doesn't shift around.


it seems when I have multiple handles on a slider (using values:
[ array of integers ], but NOT using a range), while the handles are
clickable, and both the start/stop events fire for each handle, the
ui.value is 0?

maybe it's the way I've implemented it? maybe because i've got
multiple handles on a slider, without a range setting?

I've also tried accessing value, not only from ui.value, but from

$('#slider2').slider('value', 0), and I still get 0 back as the value

Looking the ui.slider.js source, the start/stop events only actually
return a value (no handle), so I'm assuming using ui.value is the
"correct" way of trying to get the values at start/stop.

I've put up an example here

essentially, I want to be able to seek to different points on slider1,
by clicking on the handles for slider2 (like the "seek to" links at
the bottom).

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



On Jan 29, 3:25 pm, "Richard D. Worth" <> wrote:
> I believe this may be related to an issue fixed in the trunk. You should be
> able to test in 1.6rc6, which will be out today. If that doesn't fix it, you
> may want to try either increasing your max by say a factor of 10 (depending
> on how wide your slider is) or decreasing step from 1 (the default) to
> something like 0.1 and see if that makes a difference.
> Also note: there is a dedicated discussion list for jQuery UI plugins[*]:
> Thanks.
> - Richard
> [*]
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 1:42 PM, <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm using the ui slider plug-in as a time line for a javascript+flash
> > mp3 player- so I'm setting the min value to 0, and the max value to
> > the duration of the audio clip.
> > Everything works as expected, and I can adjust the location of the
> > handle based on the playback progress.
> > Now I want to be able to click on the handle and fire off an event;
> > unfortunately, and I'm guessing this is because of the large min/max
> > range, if I click on the handle, it moves slightly, which causes the
> > audio playback to shift.
> > I'm not sure if this is a snap-to feature/bug of the slider?
> > I tried playing with different step values, but couldn't get it to act
> > as I wanted.
> > Does anybody know how I can keep the slider from moving when I click
> > on it? but I still want to be able to slide it? is that reasonable?
> > I'm using jquery 1.3 (Revision: 6104), and ui.core and ui.slider
> > v1.6rc5
> > Thanks!
> > Mike

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