As shown in the docs (link I gave you), it should work

       {order_message : order_message}, // {key : variable}
         // do something

On Jan 30, 4:03 pm, Mark Livingstone <> wrote:
> Thanks, Beres.
> I am reading this order_message from a DIV. How do I 'POST' it? By
> using form?
> Also, to url encode... do I use "escape(....)"?
> On Jan 30, 3:08 am, Beres Botond <> wrote:
> > You want to use POST, but you are sending your data as GET (without
> > url encoding).
> > So I'm pretty sure it cuts before "#", because # is a non-alphanumeric
> > character and you haven't urlencoded your data.
> > Data in URL  = GET, not POST, even if you are using $.post .
> >
> > So either urlencode your data before putting it in the request or send
> > it as POST.
> > Also I'm not sure how it worked for you on server-side, if you were
> > expecting $_POST... I assume you were expecting
> > $_REQUEST instead, which is not a good idea in my opinion.
> > On Jan 30, 8:08 am, Mark Livingstone <> wrote:
> > > I have the following code:
> > > $.post(order_send_email.php?order_message='+order_message)
> > > my 'order_message' is:
> > > 'Dear '+data['salutation']+" "+data['first_name']+" "+data['last_name']
> > > +', \n\nThis is to inform you that your order #'+key+" and payment in
> > > the amount of...';
> > > When using $.POST... the message gets cut before "#". Is there a limit
> > > on how much cam be transmitted or am I doing something wrong?
> > > Thanks.- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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