
That code goes into whatever file you have your superfish css in -
normally superfish.css.
In there you will probably find the line:
.sf-menu li { background: #BDD2FF url('../images/
normal_bg.png') repeat-x 0 0; }
or similar - at least the .sf-menu li {} should be there.

Prepend that line with the id of your element (#pillmenu) and it
should look something like this:
#pillmenu .sf-menu li { background: #BDD2FF url('../images/
normal_bg.png') repeat-x 0 0; }

I think =)


On Feb 1, 4:59 pm, "" <>
> Thanks for the heads up on turning off the call. However, I still
> don't have any idea of where to put the code that Joel is talking
> about. Does this go into the Rhuk_milkyway css file???
> Regards,
> Ron
> On Feb 1, 2:22 am, bklyn2cali <> wrote:
> > Joel,
> > I've got this working now, thank you.
> > One last issue: the SuperSubs plugin works only on the first sub-sub-
> > nav. I'm not sure why.
> > It seems like there is some overflow issue since the background
> > repeats all the way to the edge of the border.
> > I'm so close to getting this done, just this issue, and also more
> > minor is that the dropshadow no longer appears.
> > Thanks for your help. It is much appreciated.
> > Sean
> > On Jan 31, 6:08 am, Joel Birch <> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > This is the exact same issue someone else had just the other day, and
> > > they were also a Joomla user. Your problem is figure out by selecting
> > > the menu li element using Firebug. The Superfish background rule is
> > > being overridden by the #pillmenu li li rule which is in the green.css
> > > file. The reason this rule gets precedence over the Superfish CSS is
> > > because it uses an id in the selector, which trumps the .sf-menu class
> > > selector.
> > > Interestingly, 'pillmenu' was the exact same id that was involved with
> > > the other Joomla user's issue, so I assume it must be part of Joomla's
> > > templates. Solve your problem by adding the id to your Superfish
> > > selector in order to increase its 'specificity', like this:
> > > #pillmenu .sf-menu li { background: #BDD2FF url('../images/
> > > normal_bg.png') repeat-x 0 0; }
> > > Joel Birch.

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