On Feb 2, 12:32 pm, "Richard D. Worth" <rdwo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> jQuery UI 1.5.3 is only compatible with jQuery 1.2.6. In order to use jQuery
> UI with jQuery 1.3+, you'll need the latest preview release1.6rc6. It is
> compatible with 1.3 (but not 1.2.6), and the final release is scheduled for
> tonight. See
> http://blog.jquery.com/2009/01/30/jquery-ui-16rc6-help-us-test/
> Also note, there is a dedicated mailing list for jQuery UI help:
> http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-ui
> Thanks.


i appreciate it
> - Richard
> On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Tom Shafer <tom.sha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am using sortable and using the update feature to post the order
> > $("#2").sortable({
> >                //connectWith: ["#homePage","#acquire","#build"],
> >                items: "li",
> >                opacity: "90",
> >                revert: true,
> >                placeholder: "sortHelper",
> >                activeclass: "sortActive",
> >                hoverclass: "sortHelper",
> >                dropOnEmpty:true,
> >                update: function(element, ui) {
> >                         $.post("addLinks.php",{
> > step:'update',order:$(this).sortable
> > ("serialize")});
> >        }
> >    });
> > it seems that update doesnt work after i upgraded to jquery 1.3.1
> > i also upgraded jquery ui to
> > 1.5.3 as well as sortable
> > I can drag and drop and do everything I used to be able to do with
> > 1.2.6. I upgraded to take advantage of the new live function for event
> > delegation
> > What could of changed or what I am i missing to make update work
> > Thanks
> > Tom

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