hello liam,
thanks for the tip, i will try using them the same way.
you actually forgot one " in your code but now it works fine, thanks!

$("#searchResultList").append('<li class="searchResultEntry" id="' +
videoId + '" title="' + titleFull + ' (' + minutes + ':' + seconds
+')"><img src="' + thumbnailUrl + '" class="thumbnail" alt="' +
titleFull + ' (' + minutes + ':' + seconds + ')"/></li>');

On 4 Feb., 15:51, Liam Potter <radioactiv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> you need to switch it around,
> replace all " to be ' and all ' to be "
> Personally, all my selectors use "
> then functions use '
> $("#searchResultList").append('<li class="searchResultEntry"id="' + videoId + 
> '" title="' + titleFull + ' (' + minutes + ':' + seconds +')'><img src="' + 
> thumbnailUrl + '"       class="thumbnail" alt="' + titleFull + ' (' + minutes 
> + ':' + seconds + ')"/></li>');
> that's how I would do this.
> dirk w wrote:
> > hello jquery community,
> > i am getting some strings from a page i don't have influence on. i
> > just append those to elements (thanks to jquery this works like a
> > charm!):
> > $("#searchResultList").append("<li class='searchResultEntry'id='" +
> > videoId + "' title='" + titleFull + " (" + minutes + ":" + seconds +
> > ")'><img src='" + thumbnailUrl + "'   class='thumbnail' alt='" +
> > titleFull + " (" + minutes + ":" + seconds + ")'/></li>");
> > my problem is:
> > sometimes the variable "title" contains a ' in the string, like
> > "doesn't that look funny..." in this case my output get's completely
> > messed up.
> > is there a more reliable way to use ' and  " ? any ideas how i could
> > prevent ' to crack this up?
> > thanks in advance
> > dirk

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