There is nothing wrong with it, but it's far from perfect. By making
the switch you're no longer at risk from 's but now if the string
contains any "s you'll have the same problem all over again.

Ideally you'd first run a replace on the string you fetch from the
other site, replacing all 's with \'s. The \ here escapes the ' and
makes javascript read it as a part of the string rather than the end
of it.

-- Patrick

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Liam Potter <> wrote:
> Glad to of helped.
> My system has worked for me so far, but I'm sure there are people who would
> argue another way of doing things.
> dirk w wrote:
>> hello liam,
>> thanks for the tip, i will try using them the same way.
>> you actually forgot one " in your code but now it works fine, thanks!
>> $("#searchResultList").append('<li class="searchResultEntry" id="' +
>> videoId + '" title="' + titleFull + ' (' + minutes + ':' + seconds
>> +')"><img src="' + thumbnailUrl + '" class="thumbnail" alt="' +
>> titleFull + ' (' + minutes + ':' + seconds + ')"/></li>');
>> On 4 Feb., 15:51, Liam Potter <> wrote:
>>> you need to switch it around,
>>> replace all " to be ' and all ' to be "
>>> Personally, all my selectors use "
>>> then functions use '
>>> $("#searchResultList").append('<li class="searchResultEntry"id="' +
>>> videoId + '" title="' + titleFull + ' (' + minutes + ':' + seconds +')'><img
>>> src="' + thumbnailUrl + '"       class="thumbnail" alt="' + titleFull + ' ('
>>> + minutes + ':' + seconds + ')"/></li>');
>>> that's how I would do this.
>>> dirk w wrote:
>>>> hello jquery community,
>>>> i am getting some strings from a page i don't have influence on. i
>>>> just append those to elements (thanks to jquery this works like a
>>>> charm!):
>>>>      $("#searchResultList").append("<li class='searchResultEntry'id='" +
>>>> videoId + "' title='" + titleFull + " (" + minutes + ":" + seconds +
>>>> ")'><img src='" + thumbnailUrl + "'   class='thumbnail' alt='" +
>>>> titleFull + " (" + minutes + ":" + seconds + ")'/></li>");
>>>>      my problem is:
>>>> sometimes the variable "title" contains a ' in the string, like
>>>> "doesn't that look funny..." in this case my output get's completely
>>>> messed up.
>>>> is there a more reliable way to use ' and  " ? any ideas how i could
>>>> prevent ' to crack this up?
>>>>      thanks in advance
>>>> dirk

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