you're overlooking the fact that CF executes on the server.  JS executes on
the client.
When you get data returned from an AJAX call, you're on the client.  You're
in the realm of JS.  There's no "converting" the data into a "usable" (CF)
format at that point.  All of the CF is done on the server (during the AJAX
call, when you're returning JSON from the CFC).

Once it's been returned to your jQuery, you'll be working with the data in
JS (jQuery).

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 5:07 AM, Rick Faircloth <>wrote:

> Ok, so I'm at the point in using jQuery AJAX where I'm now
> returning complicated data of queries (multiple) and bits of
> data for use back on the calling page.
> In my CFC's, I use the returnFormat="json" to send data back
> properly json-formatted.
> However, now, I need to know how to get that json data back
> into a form that I can use with my CF knowledge.  Such as
> looping queries, referring to data by "", etc.
> In other words, I want to get that json data back into my
> comfort zone.
> I need to know what technique to look at.  I've looked over
> many resources and they all seem to offer a little different
> approach.  I have no experience with which to evaluate these
> approaches.  CFSON seems to be the most likely candidate.
> So, to get this json data (below--from one of my CFC functions),
> back into ColdFusion, what does everyone suggest?
> Thanks for *any* guidance!
> Rick
> Here's the data mentioned above--does using CFJSON translate this
> back into "ColdFusion format" without me having to write a bunch
> of js code to loop the code etc, to translate it?
> ],"DATA":[[1677,"February, 28 2009
> 00:00:00","am",18,"primary","Mary","Fail"],[1678,"February, 28
> 2009
>  00:00:00","am",19,"alternate","Rebecca","Nottingham"],[1679,"February, 28
> 2009
> 00:00:00","pm",20,"primary"
> ,"Renea","Camper"],[1680,"February, 28 2009
> 00:00:00","pm",21,"alternate","Verjuana","Underwood"]]},"MESSAGE"
> :"Success","YEAR":2009,"SELECTED_DATE":"2009-02-01","QGETDUTYDATES":{"COLUMNS":["DATE"],"DATA":[["Fe
> bruary
> , 01 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 02 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 03 2009
> 00:00:00"],["February, 04
> 2009
>  00:00:00"],["February, 05 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 06 2009
> 00:00:00"],["February, 07 2009
> 00:00:00"
> ],["February, 08 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 09 2009 00:00:00"],["February,
> 10 2009
> 00:00:00"],["February
> , 11 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 12 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 13 2009
> 00:00:00"],["February, 14
> 2009
>  00:00:00"],["February, 15 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 16 2009
> 00:00:00"],["February, 17 2009
> 00:00:00"
> ],["February, 18 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 19 2009 00:00:00"],["February,
> 20 2009
> 00:00:00"],["February
> , 21 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 22 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 23 2009
> 00:00:00"],["February, 24
> 2009
>  00:00:00"],["February, 25 2009 00:00:00"],["February, 26 2009
> 00:00:00"],["February, 27 2009
> 00:00:00"
> ],["February, 28 2009 00:00:00"]]}}

I have failed as much as I have succeeded. But I love my life. I love my
wife. And I wish you my kind of success.

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