You know how sometimes you are working on a problem and you stare at
it so long that the most obvious answers escape you until someone
points it out and it is like a smack in the face?

Yeah. Serious 'duh' moment on my part. Thanks.

On Feb 5, 3:32 pm, MorningZ <> wrote:
> Can you just make life REALLY easy on yourself and put the text in a
> <span> tag or something?
> ie/
> <ul>
>     <li><span>List Item1</span></li>
>     <li><span>List Item2</span>
>         <ul>
>             <li>Sub Item1</li>
>             <li>Sub Item2</li>
>         </ul>
>     </li>
> </ul>
> then
> would make it a snap to get the text()
> On Feb 5, 3:00 pm, "" <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to traverse a list that has some sub-lists nested, i.e.
> > <ul>
> >     <li>List Item1</li>
> >     <li>List Item2
> >         <ul>
> >             <li>Sub Item1</li>
> >             <li>Sub Item2</li>
> >         </ul>
> >     </li>
> > </ul>
> > I'm trying to grab the text of List Item2, but without the text of the
> > sublist items. Right now if I use:
> > $('ul li').text()   -- it returns the text of the List Item and the
> > text of any sub items.
> > I'm thinking I may have to write a regular expression to filter out
> > the sublist, but was wondering if jQuery could handle this? Any ideas
> > appreciated.
> > AM

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