In firefox, to see the changed html markup click on the page and do
ctrl-A to select all and then right click and "View Selection
Source".  This also work if you just highlight the element you want to
see the source of.

On Feb 7, 10:05 pm, brian <> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 12:37 AM, gberz3 <> wrote:
> > I'm just glad it only took 2 hours, and not 2 weeks.  I always tend to
> > think outside the box.  Unfortunately, I often find myself inside
> > another box just beside the original box.  Are there any sorts of
> > explicit documentation that warns against "gotchas" of this nature?
> > Thanks for the hand-holding all.  You guys rock!
> I think of it less as hand-holding as ants mutually forming a bridge.
> Wait -- all the ants make it across in the end, right?!

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