Do you have an internet facing page set up to view this?

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 2:30 PM, Jon <> wrote:
> I'm having issues getting the validation plugin (
> jquery-plugins/jquery-plugin-validation/) to work with dot net.
> Whatever i try i can't stop the form from submitting. I've tried
> several things i've found on this group and the web. Can anyone help
> me getting this to work?
> Here's my html.
> <span id="ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact" class="ContactForm">
> <p class="SuccessMessage">Submitted</p>
> <span class="Field">
> <span class="Label">Name </span>
> <span class="Validation">
> <span id="ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_ctl04"
> style="display: none;"/>
> </span>
> <input id="ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_ctl01_TB_TextBox"
> class="TextBox Name" type="text" name="ctl00$Control_LeftColumn
> $CF_Contact$ctl01$TB_TextBox"/>
> </span>
> <span class="Field">
> </span>
> <span class="Field">
> </span>
> <a id="ctl00_Control_LeftColumn_CF_Contact_LB_Submit" class="Submit"
> href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$Control_LeftColumn$CF_Contact
> $LB_Submit','')" style="background-color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Submit</a>
> </span>
> And here is my javascript:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>    $("#aspnetForm").validate({
>        rules: {
>            ctl00$Control_LeftColumn$CF_Contact$ctl01$TB_TextBox:
> "required",
>            ctl00$Control_LeftColumn$CF_Contact$ctl02$TB_TextBox: {
>                required: true,
>                email: true
>            },
>            ctl00$Control_LeftColumn$CF_Contact$ctl04$TB_TextBox:
> "required"
>        }
>    });
> });
> As i say above, the form just submits regardless so i'm lost on a
> solution!

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