By the way, the first parameter takes the vars to send... so in the
pages I've to dynamically set varname1=value1&varname2=value2....

On 9 feb, 10:40, SoulRush <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm kind of new at the world of ajax and jquery and i'm starting to
> make a site with them.
> In my site i've created a single function (in the header) called
> ajaxQry(...) which takes some parameters like, url to make post or
> get, if I need GEt or POST, the data type of the query, a success
> function and an error function.
> Anyway, it look like this:
> function ajaxQry(sendVars, url, returnType, backFunction,
> errorFunction){
>          $.ajax({
>           type: "POST",
>           url: "ajax/"+url+".asp?nocache="+Math.random(),
>           data: sendVars,
>           success: backFunction, //ussully this loads the content in the main
> page as html
>           dataType: returnType,
>           error: errorFunction
>         });
> }
> Everything works great but i don't know if there's a better way to do
> this, because in many events of the site I call this function... And
> I'm starting to think that it's pretty insecure.... What do you think?
> By the way i ussually call the url file (see the function) and return
> HTML content, and then i load it in the page with $(selector).html();
> is that okay?
> Thanks! and sorry for my english :$

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