Hey all,

I've done some digging for a jQuery RSS feed plugin. Some good ones
out there.
Other: http://www.levelfield.com/rss.html

Some GoogleGroup discussion already with local solutions:

Here's the thing... I could get all of them to work, but only with
local feeds. When I try to load an external RSS feed, I get this error
in Firebug:

Access to restricted URI denied" code: "1012
[Break on this error] xhr.open(type,s.url,s.async);try{if(s.da...

Can anyone help me on how to take the local solutions above and add in
a bit of extra code to work with external feeds as well?

Note that I'm working in Java not PHP, so jFeed's proxy won't help.
(But I'm a front-end designer, not Java dev, so I don't know how to
parse it with Java).

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