At the risk of repeating myself from other posts, You might save
yourself future problems if you use standards-based id/name attributes
(and if the framework you're using doesn't allow that, seriously
consider a different framework):

HTML 4 spec section 6.2 says, "ID and NAME tokens must begin with a
letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters,
([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_"), colons (":"), and periods

XHTML spec section C.8 says, "Note that the collection of legal
in XML 1.0 Section 2.3, production 5 is much larger than that
permitted to be used in the ID and NAME types defined in HTML 4. When
defining fragment identifiers to be backward-compatible, only strings
matching the pattern [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9:_.-]* should be used. See
Section 6.2 of [HTML4] for more information."

On Feb 11, 2:09 pm, shapper <> wrote:
> Themes[0].Subject is the actual name ... It is so to be read by an MVS
> framework into a List.
> Basically when the page loads some items are already there rendered on
> the server.
> They are always with the correct order.
> However, when I add / remove items to that list the order might
> change ...
> So I should add and remove all items? How can I do this? And why?
> I am posting my entire code:
>     // Cancel button
>     $('#Cancel').click(function() { location.href = '/Account/
> List'; });
>     // Themes >>
>       // Remove theme
>       $('.Remove').livequery('click', function(event) {
>         $(this).parent().remove();
>       });
>       // Add theme
>       $('#AddTheme').bind('click', function(){
>         // Define index
>         $index = $('#Index');
>         // Set valid
>         var valid = new Boolean(true);
>         // Define fields
>         $description = $('#Description');
>         $levels = $('input[name="Levels"]:checked + label');
>         $levelsTypes = $('input[name="Levels"]:checked');
>         $subject = $('#Subject option:selected');
>         // Map levels
>         levels = $ { return $(this).text(); }).get
> ();
>         levelsTypes = $ { return $(this).val
> (); }).get();
>         // Validate
>         if (!$subject.val()) { valid = false; }
>         if (!levels.length) { valid = false; }
>         // Validate
>         if (valid) {
>           // Define theme
>           $theme = $('<li class="Themes"></li>').appendTo
> ('#ThemesOnTutor');
>           // Add fields
>           $theme.append($subject.text()).append('<br />');
>           $theme.append(FriendlyLevels(levels) + '<br />');
>           if ($description.val()) {$theme.append($description.val
> ()).append('<br />');}
>           // Add button
>           $theme.append('<a href="#Remove" class="Remove">Remover</
> a>');
>           // Add inputs
>           $theme.append('<input type="hidden" name="Themes.Index"
> value = "' + $index.val() + '" />');
>           $theme.append('<input type="hidden" name="Themes[' +
> $index.val() + '].Subject" value = "' + $subject.val() + '" />');
>           $theme.append('<input type="hidden" name="Themes[' +
> $index.val() + '].LevelsCsv" value = "' + levelsTypes.join(",") + '" />');
>           $theme.append('<input type="hidden" name="Themes[' +
> $index.val() + '].Description" value = "' + $description.val() + '" /
> >');
>           // Increment index
>           $index.val(+$index.val() + 1);
>         }
>       });
>       // FriendlyLevels
>       function FriendlyLevels(levels) {
>         if (levels.length < 2) return levels.join('');
>         var first = levels.slice(0, -1), last = levels.slice(-1);
>         var friendly = first.join(', ');
>         if (last) { friendly += ' e ' + last; }
>         return friendly;
>       } // FriendlyLevels
> On Feb 11, 9:47 pm, seasoup <> wrote:
> > You could remove the entire list everytime and regenerate it from
> > javascript.  Is Themes[0].Subject the actual name, or are you trying
> > to refer to a javascript object in an array with the attribute
> > 'Subject' which contains the name you are looking for?  If it is the
> > latter, this won't work.  you'll need to create the html in javascript
> > and append it into the page.
> > $('<li><input type="hidden" name="' + Themes[0].Subject + '"
> > value="A"></li>').appendTo($('#ThemesList'));
> > I'm actually not sure if jQuery handles appending a list item to a
> > list properly.  Probaby does.
> > On Feb 11, 1:19 pm, shapper <> wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > I am adding and removing a items from a list, using JQuery, which is
> > > rendered has follows:
> > > <ol id="ThemesList">
> > >   <li">
> > >     <input type="hidden" name="Themes[0].Subject" value="A" />
> > >     <input type="hidden" name="Themes[0].Levels" value="L1,L2" />
> > >     <input type="hidden" name="Themes[0].Description" value="Paper" />
> > >   </li>
> > >   <li">
> > >     <input type="hidden" name="Themes[2].Subject" value="B" />
> > >     <input type="hidden" name="Themes[2].Levels" value="L1,L5" />
> > >   </li>
> > >   <li">
> > >     <input type="hidden" name="Themes[5].Subject" value="D" />
> > >     <input type="hidden" name="Themes[5].Levels" value="L2,L4" />
> > >     <input type="hidden" name="Themes[5].Description" value="Book" />
> > >   </li>
> > > </ol>
> > > Every time I add or remove a Theme I need to be sure that the list is
> > > ordered (name) starting with Themes[0].
> > > So basically I need to loop through each list item in list ThemesList.
> > > - In first list item all HIDDEN inputs names should start with "Themes
> > > [0]"
> > > - In second list item all HIDDEN inputs names should start with "Themes
> > > [1]"
> > > ...
> > > So in this example, "Themes[2]. ..." would become "Themes[1]. ..." and
> > > "Themes[5]. ..." would become "Themes[2]. ..."
> > > Could someone please help me out?
> > > I have no idea how to do this.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Miguel

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