Glad you like the plugin. Not sure why you're getting the blank page, etc., but you can easily override the ajaxProcess option.

To do it globally for all your calls to .cluetip(), do this:

$.fn.cluetip.defaults.ajaxProcess = function(data) {
  //do something else with the data if you want.
  return data;

Or, to do it for a specific call to .cluetip(), do this:

$('your selector').cluetip({
    ajaxProcess: function(data) {
        //do something else with the data if you want.
        return data;

Hope that helps.

Karl Swedberg

On Feb 12, 2009, at 12:26 PM, brian.tully wrote:

First off I really love the cluetip plugin. It works great when using
it for inline content. However, I'm currently having an issue when
using its ajax loading of external page content. Basically, I have
some legacy content that opens up a page in a popup window. The page
has its own css, javascript, etc. When I try to use cluetip to load
the page in a cluetip instead of a popup, 2 things happen:

1. The waitimage displays, the page content briefly displays in the
cluetip but then my whole page goes blank, as if I were redirected,
though the URL is the same.

2. In looking at the ajaxProcess option, it seems to strip out any
style, meta, link, and script tags -- so even if i didn't get the
blank page, it seems the resulting cluetip would be stripped of

Is there any way to get cluetip to load a complete html page without
stripping the css and javascript?

If not, are there any other alternatives that can do this?

Basically my HTML code is:

<a href="/review116799" rel="/review116799" class="details-

And the jquery code is:


   sticky : true,
   mouseOutClose : true,


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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