No idea about the performance drop, but you can improve your main

function getMenuItems(menu) {
  var menuItems = [];
      var t = $(this), item = false;
      if (t.hasClass('processMenuItem')) item = getProcessMenuItem
      else if (t.hasClass('softwareMenuItem')) item =
      else if (t.hasClass('listMenuItem')) item = getListMenuItem
      else if (t.hasClass('aboutMenuItem')) item = getAboutMenuItem
      item = t.hasClass('processMenuItem')
         ? getProcessMenuItem(this)
         : t.hasClass('softwareMenuItem')
           ? getSoftwareMenuItem(this)
           : t.hasClass('listMenuItem')
             ? getListMenuItem(this)
             : t.hasClass('aboutMenuItem')
               ? getAboutMenuItem(this)
               : false;
   return menuItems;

On Feb 19, 4:18 pm, Sjoland <> wrote:
> Hi!,
> When switching between 1.3.1 and 1.2.6 i get a serious drop in speed
> when collection a JSON object from static HTML content.
> 1.2.6
> FF: 325ms
> Safari: 75ms
> IE7: 450ms
> 1.3.1
> FF: 1205ms
> Safari: 415ms
> IE7: 1550 ms
> The javascript collects data into a JSON object with a few methods
> like this:
> // MAIN
> function getMenuItems(menu) {
>         var menuItems = [];
>         $(menu).find('.MenuItem').each(function(){
>                 var item = false;
>                 if ($(this).hasClass('processMenuItem')) item = 
> getProcessMenuItem($
> (this)[0]);
>                 if ($(this).hasClass('softwareMenuItem')) item = 
> getSoftwareMenuItem
> ($(this)[0]);
>                 if ($(this).hasClass('listMenuItem')) item = 
> getListMenuItem($(this)
> [0]);
>                 if ($(this).hasClass('aboutMenuItem')) item = 
> getAboutMenuItem($
> (this)[0]);
>                 menuItems.push(item);
>         });
>         return menuItems;
> };
> function getProcessMenuItem(li) {
>         var type = "processMenuItem";
>         var item = {
>                 "id" : $(li).attr('id'),
>                 "type" : type,
>                 "title" : $(li).find('a:first').text(),
>                 "URI": $(li).find('a:first').attr('href'),
>                 "preamble" : $(li).find('li.Intro h4').text(),
>                 "body" : $(li).find('li.Intro p').text(),
>                 "news" : {
>                         "title" : $(li).find('li.News a').text(),
>                         "URI" : $(li).find('li.News a').attr('href'),
>                         "summary" : $(li).find('li.News a').attr('title')
>                 },
>                 "splash" : {
>                         "title" : $(li).find('li.Splash a').text(),
>                         "URI" : $(li).find('li.Splash a').attr('href'),
>                         "summary" : $(li).find('li.Splash a').attr('title'),
>                         "media" : $(li).find('li.Splash img').attr('src')
>                 },
>                 "links" :  getAnchorLinks(li)
>         };
>         return item;
> };
> Anyone else experiencing drops in speed with 1.3.1 doing simple stuff
> like this?
> Sure, I was not expecting any major speed increase since the code is
> not optimized yet, but an 80% drop is just crazy...
> Please advice,
> /Johan

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