Ok, first of all thank you everyone in the jQuery team, it's a
fantastic tool!!!
I did all the recommended changes in my methods and these are the


$this.getProcessMenuItem = function(li) {
        var type = "processMenuItem";
        var first = li.find('a:first');
        var news = li.find('.News > a');
        var splash = li.find('.Splash > a');
        var item = {
                "id" : li.attr('id'),
                "type" : type,
                "title" : first.text(),
                "URI": first.attr('href'),
                "preamble" : li.find('h4').text(),
                "body" : li.find('p').text(),
                "news" : {
                        "title" : news.text(),
                        "URI" : news.attr('href'),
                        "summary" : news.attr('title')
                "splash" : {
                        "title" : splash.text(),
                        "URI" : splash.attr('href'),
                        "summary" : splash.attr('title'),
                        "media" : splash.next().attr('src')
                "links" : $this.getAnchorLinks(li)
        return item;

The results:

FF: 310ms
Safari: 75ms
IE7: 485ms

1.3.1 (rev6170)
FF: 280ms
Safari: 75ms
IE7: 500ms

That's fantastic news! I guess I just have to improve my coding skills
to benefit from the new engine, which is not a problem for me at all

Thanks again for the fast answers,

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