It's hard to tell without a test page. I think you should work from
bottom up, even if you think it should all be working properly
together. Make sure that jQuery library is working correctly and one-
by-one add in the other things. Make sure that all your links to
external Javascript/CSS files are not broken.

On Feb 23, 9:14 am, pedalpete <> wrote:
> I'm not sure where to even start with this.
> I've got a page with a ton of scripts that I've basically copied from
> one of my other pages (which works fine in IE).
> Of course, some of the scripts have changed, but I've got strange
> things failing everywhere.
> The common errors I was getting an 'undefined error in
> jquery-1.3.1.js' error, and i pinned it down to this bit of code
> [code]
> $('span#datePickers').DatePicker({
>         flat: true,
>         date: Date(),
>         current: multiCalDate(),
>         calendars: 3,
>         mode: 'range',
>         starts: 1,
>         onChange: function(formated, dates){
>                 var theseDates = dates.toString();
>                 var splitRange= theseDates.split(',');
>                 var firstRSplit=splitRange[0].split(' ');
>                 var firstRange = [
>                                         firstRSplit[0],
>                                  firstRSplit[1],
>                                 firstRSplit[2],
>                                 firstRSplit[3].length == 4 ? firstRSplit[3] : 
> firstRSplit
> [5],
>                                  ''
>                                         ].join(' ');
>         var secondRSplit=splitRange[1].split(' ');
>         var secondRange =               [
>                                         secondRSplit[0],
>                                  secondRSplit[1],
>                                  secondRSplit[2],
>                                 secondRSplit[3].length == 4 ? secondRSplit[3] 
> : secondRSplit
> [5],
>                                  ''
>                                         ].join(' ');
>         if(firstRange==secondRange){
>         var dateRange=firstRange;
>         } else {
>         var dateRange = firstRange+' to '+secondRange;
>         }
>         jQuery('.updateDate').html(dateRange);
>         jQuery('.updateDate').attr('id',formated)
>         }});
> [/code]
> again, i don't know why this is, and this code works without issue.
> So I removed this bit of code, and now I can get the page to load, but
> my trying to make an ajax request with
> [code]
>  jQuery('div#holdShows ul.showList').livequery(function(){
>      jQuery.ajax({
>       type: "GET",
>       url: "processes/formatShows.php",
>       data: "output=&genre="+genre+"&numDays="+numDays
> +"&numResults="+numResults+"&date="+toDate+"&dateRange="+dateRange
> +"&range="+range+"&lat="+lat+"&long="+long,
>       success: function(response){
>     alert(response);
>         jQuery('div#holdShows ul.showList').html(response);
>         }
>         });
>                 });
> [/code]
> does not launch the alerts, at all.
> Of course, running this page in FF or Chrome results in no errors and
> everything runs smoothly.
> I've been at this for days trying to get it to work.
> Please, please, please!!! How would you go about working through this?
> I'm using debugbar in IE for debugging. I'm on Vista Home version, so
> the debugging tools are limited.
> Thanks,
> Pete

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