Thanks MorningZ,

strange that that is not the error I'm getting at all.
My errors have pointed a break in the jquery.1.3.1.min.js (which
seemed odd).

I completely removed the references to dynacloud, but still get the
jquery and google maps errors.

I've got the debugging on in IE, that's how i'm seeing the errors.

I actually tried to fix the plugin to work with noconflict, (before
you saw it), but even with the link you sent, i am somewhat lost on
how to do that.

I'll load up another version later today, but I'm finding this very
puzzling (and i actually had the problem before noconclict was turned

On Feb 24, 2:29 pm, MorningZ <> wrote:
> In times like this, turning on Script Debugging in IE is very helpful
> (tools/options/advanced/uncheck-"disable script debugging")
> pulling up the link above with debugging on pointed out the problem
> right away:
> "Error: '$' is null or not an object"
> for the line
> if (typeof $.wordStats != 'undefined' && $.dynaCloud.wordStats) {
> looking at the code in "dynaCloud.js"
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> jQuery.fn.dynaCloud = function() {
>  return this.each(function() {
>   //var now = new Date().getTime();
>   var cl = [];
>   var max = 2000;
>   var min = 10
>   if (typeof $.wordStats != 'undefined' && $.dynaCloud.wordStats) {
>    var count = $.dynaCloud.max == -1 ? 50 : $.dynaCloud.max;
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> he didn't follow this convention
> (scroll down to 'Keep private functions private', which makes sure
> that the code can use "$" even if "noConflict" is specified)
> fix up that plugin script and you should be all good
> On Feb 24, 4:56 pm, pedalpete <> wrote:
> > So I got a version up and running, obviously you'll see by looking
> > this that it isn't a complete work, but if fails completely in IE, but
> > works in FF & Chrome.
> >
> > I've picked it apart and put it back together, and it seems I just
> > keep ending up with different errors as I get deeper and deeper into
> > it, and the errors that are getting reported are with google maps, or
> > the the datePicker, or genre cloud. any ajax requests, etc.
> > Really any non-core (with the exception of ajax) function just doesn't
> > work.
> > Any ideas on how to track this down would be greatly appreciated.

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