
i have a div with the scrolling function attached to it as following:

>   //var maxScroll = $("#data_framework").attr("scrollWidth") -
> $("#data_framework").width();
>   $("#frm_table").scrollLeft($('#data_framework').scrollLeft);
> });

as you can see when user scrol the div #data_framework, it should scroll by
the same amount of pixel the next div called #frm_table.
however this code does not work...

1. how can i know if it was scroll on X-Axis or on Y-axis ?
2. how can i scroll the div #frm_table from the same amount of pixel ?
3. should i use animate ?

thanks a lot.

Windows XP x64 SP2 / Fedora 10 KDE 4.2
PostgreSQL 8.3.5 / MS SQL server 2005
Apache 2.2.10
PHP 5.2.6
C# 2005-2008

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