Sorry I missed a comma after startDate and before endDate:

messages: {
           name: {
              required: "You must provide a Campaign Name.",
              minlength: "Your Campaign name must be at least 3
characterss long."
           startDate: {
              required: "You must provide a start date."
           endDate: {
              required: "You must provide an end date."


On Feb 24, 11:28 am, James <> wrote:
> messages: {
>            name: {
>               required: "You must provide a Campaign Name.",
>               minlength: "Your Campaign name must be at least 3
> characterss long."
>            },
>            startDate: {
>               required: "You must provide a start date."
>            }
>            endDate: {
>               required: "You must provide an end date."
>            }
> }
> On Feb 24, 10:59 am, Bob O <> wrote:
> > to the group thing here as well...
> > i have narrowed it down to this piece of code.
> > when i remove it all js works as written..
> > $(document).ready(function() {
> >  $('#create_campaign_form').validate({
> >          rules: {
> >            name: {required: true, minlength: 3},
> >            startDate: {required: true, date: true},
> >            endDate: {required: true, date: true}
> >            },
> >          messages: {
> >            name: {required: "You must provide a Campaign Name.",
> > minlength: "Your Campaign name must be at least 3 characterss long."},
> >            startDate: required: "You must provide a start date.",
> >            endDate: required: "You must provide an end date."
> >            }
> >          });});
> > this piece of validation code causes the js to stop and nothing on the
> > page works..But this code does work in the other browsers..ive been
> > reading on the trailing comma, but im not seeing where that could be
> > faulting..
> > On Feb 24, 12:35 pm, Bob O <> wrote:
> > > So im stumped..I have my jquery file in the headers, and it works in
> > > Opera, Safari, FF on mac, and FF on Windows, but i get nothing in
> > > IE..its there, its just broken.
> > > i recently added the validation plugin?
> > > could there be something im missing?

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