Hello Guys,

I've done a little work with expandable div's using slideDown() and
slideUp(), I'm guessing I'll be using these again for this challenge
but I'm having a little trouble traversing to the correct elements to
enlarge and expand and was also a little unsure as to which I should
be giving ID and Class attributes.

I have the following markup: http://pastebin.com/m2dec600d

You'll notice that I have a main table and for each row of data below
is a nested table which contains subdata. I want to create a jQuery
function that when 'something clickable' is clicked causes the
corresponding nested table to expand and reveals its data, how would
you suggest I traverse/id/class those elements?

As a further challenge, I'm keen to have all other unexpanded rows of
the parent table fade out a little so the attention is drawn to the
clicked records and their nested tables :-) I get that I can use the
fadeTo() method for this, however, its finding those elements which
has me stumped.

I think it will produce a nice visual effect I'm just a little lost as
to traverse to the correct elements properly, I've tied using this.next
() on the clickable link to find the nested table elements but that
didn't seem to work.

I'd appreciate any advice you guys can give me on this!



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