
I'm writing an accordion effect of some sorts into a new web site I am
developing which utilizes load() to bring in the outside information
into the div that's dropping down when I click a particular link.
I've had to use livequery as well since there is javascript (using the
UI Tabs Plug-in) inside the div that's getting populated by load().
I'm rather new to jQuery and I am wondering if there is a better way
to write the following code.  I am using a lot of Traversing methods,
(i.e. next(), prev(), children(), etc..) and it just seems like I'm
not doing a very good job.  My code is doing what I wrote it for
though and it seems to be working very well.

Another concern I have is how do I get everything to stop if I click
the the "show more" ('.villa_right_more_info') link twice quickly so
it rolls the div back up?  It does roll the div back up now but after
a second it rolls back down and shows a blank box.

If someone could just give me some good pointers so I can put them
into practice, that would be great :).  Also, if someone wants to see
my script live, shoot me an email and I will give you the link.

$(document).ready(function() {
                $(this).click(function() {
                        if ($(this).hasClass("selected"))
                                target = $(this).attr("target");
                                $(target).parent().animate({'opacity' : '0'}, 
500, function(){
                                        $(target).parent().animate({'height' : 
"0"}, 500, function(){
$(target).parent().prev().prev().prev().css({'border-bottom' :
                        } else {
                                $this = $(".villa_wrapper").find(".open");
                                $this.animate({'opacity' : '0'}, 500, 
                                        $this.animate({'height' : "0"}, 500, 
$this.prev().prev().prev().css({'border-bottom' : '0'});
                                myLink = $(this).attr("href");
                                target = $(this).attr("target");
                                $(this).parent().prev().animate({'opacity' : 
'1'}, 10, function(){
                                        $(this).css({'border-bottom' : '1px 
solid #617D93'});
                                $(target).css({'position' : 'relative'});
                                $(target).fadeOut(10, function(){
"258px", opacity: "1"}, 500,
$(target).prev(".loading").fadeIn(500, function(){
function(event, ui)
$(target).prev(".loading").fadeOut(500, function(){
        var tabPanel = $("#";
        $(target).parent().css({'overflow' : 'hidden'}).animate
({height : $(tabPanel).outerHeight(true) + $(target).children
(".villa_photo_carousel").outerHeight(true) + 28}, function(){
{'opacity' : 'toggle'}
                        return false;

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