Maybe it's just a typo (and unrelated) but you have spaces in both
"div .detalhes" & "a .clickMe".

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 1:27 PM, AndreMiranda <> wrote:
> $(document).ready(function() {
>        //chama a função de Tip
>        reiniciaTip();
>        //arredonda fundo cinza do DatePicker e da drop down list de
> agendas
>        $("#divCinza").corner();
>        //DatePicker
>        $("#divDatePicker").datepicker({
>            defaultDate: new Date($("#dataDatePicker").val()),
>            changeMonth: true,
>            changeYear: true,
>            onSelect: function(dataSelecionada){
>                        $.ajax({
>                                type: 'GET',
>                                data: dataSelecionada,
>                                url: '/Admin/Agenda/CompromissoAgenda/?
> dataSelecionada=' + dataSelecionada,
>                                success: function(conteudoAtualizado){
>                                            //atualiza os períodos e
> compromissos
>                                            $("#divPeriodos").empty
> ().html(conteudoAtualizado);
>                                            //reinicia a função de Tip
> devido ao callback do ajax
>                                            reiniciaTip();
>                                         }
>                              });
>                      }
>        });
>        //Adiciona a DDL codAgenda na divDDLAgendas da Master
>        $("#divDDLAgendas").append($("#codAgenda"));
>        $("#codAgenda").css({width: '170px'});
> });
> function reiniciaTip()
> {
>    $("div .detalhes").each(function(){
>        var compromissoId = $(this).attr("id").split("-")[1];
>        $(this).bt({
>                    ajaxPath: '/Admin/Agenda/DetalhesAgendamento',
>                    ajaxData: {data: "codAgendamento=" +
> compromissoId},
>                    ajaxOpts: { success: function (data) { return
> data.toString(); }},
>                    ajaxCache: false,
>                    cssStyles: {fontSize: '11px' },
>                    width: 220,
>                    centerPointX: .9,
>                    spikeLength: 35,
>                    spikeGirth: 25,
>                    padding: 10,
>                    cornerRadius: 25,
>                    strokeStyle: '#ABABAB',
>                    strokeWidth: 1
>                });
>    });
> }
> Take a look the function reiniciaTip and the "(div .detalhes)". In
> 1.2.6, I just had to write "(.detalhes)", but now i had to specify
> that this is from a div
> Thanks!!
> On 26 fev, 15:22, Eric Garside <> wrote:
>> Can you share your code? The small snippets you've shared indicate no
>> problem. I threw up the jsbin test to confirm that it's not jquery 1.3
>> that's causing the error. We can't really help unless you post the
>> full sample of your code that's broken, or give us a url we can check
>> out and test.
>> On Feb 26, 1:18 pm, AndreMiranda <> wrote:
>> > Man, I really don't know why my code is working this way... it's
>> > frustrating... I really don't wanna go back to 1.2.6...
>> > On 26 fev, 15:08, Eric Garside <> wrote:
>> > > Do you have a demo page up somewhere that displays these errors? That
>> > > code looks perfectly valid, and I've not noticed any errors in 1.3.1,
>> > > so I'm not sure what could be causing it. I threw up a jsbin test on
>> > > it, and it seems to work fine.
>> > >
>> > > On Feb 26, 1:02 pm, AndreMiranda <> wrote:
>> > > > Hi Eric!
>> > > > I showed this problem with Flexigrid selected rows, but the problem is
>> > > > with a specific class attribute to several elements.
>> > > > For example, If I have 2 links with class attribute "clickMe" and I
>> > > > do:
>> > > > $(".clickMe").click(function(){ alert("this is a test"); });
>> > > > only the FIRST link works. In 1.2.6 this used to work just fine, but
>> > > > in 1.3.1 don't.
>> > > > The same code above, to work on 1.3.1 in my projects, I have to do
>> > > > $("a .clickMe").click(function(){ alert("this is a test"); });    I
>> > > > had to specify that "clickMe" is a link ("a") class attribute...
>> > > > Thanks!!
>> > > > On 26 fev, 14:50, Eric Garside <> wrote:
>> > > > > Can you provide some HTML to go along with this? There's not enough
>> > > > > info present to properly determine the issue.
>> > > > > On Feb 26, 12:47 pm, AndreMiranda <> wrote:
>> > > > > > Hi everyone!!
>> > > > > > Well... for me it's just the same thing, but I don't know why this
>> > > > > > works in 1.2.6 and doesn't in 1.3.1:
>> > > > > > if ($('.trSelected').length == 2)
>> > > > > > {
>> > > > > >         alert("hello");
>> > > > > > }
>> > > > > > In this case, I'm selecting rows on flexigrid and used to work just
>> > > > > > fine in 1.2.6.
>> > > > > > To work in 1.3.1, I had to do this:
>> > > > > > if ($('#flexDiv .trSelected').length == 2)
>> > > > > > {
>> > > > > >            alert("hello");
>> > > > > > }
>> > > > > > I had to specify the table from where the trSelected are... why 
>> > > > > > does
>> > > > > > this happens??
>> > > > > > I'm having too many problems with class attibutes. For example: If 
>> > > > > > I
>> > > > > > have 3 input text with class "test", only the first input text is
>> > > > > > functional... the other ones no.
>> > > > > > Why?
>> > > > > > thanks!!!

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