Oh I'm having the same problem, exactly.

I have been working on this for a long time, me not being proficient
in jQuery.
I'm trying to do something very much like your tabs loading new sets
of items.
The carousel gets confused, the items seem to persist, and I can't
reload it without having the old number of items.
Did you get to a solution?
Thank you


On 13 feb, 09:19, FruitBatInShades <fruitbatinsha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am having terrible trouble gettingajcarouselto reset.  I have a
> series of tabs that when clicked get thejcarouselto load witha new
> set of items.  I have been trying for days, trying the ajax demos and
> just replacing the content by setting the html() but to no avail. it
> works but the carousel gets confused. Even if I walk the list and
> remove all the items they still seem to be there.
> 1. How do I get a reference to the carousel object via jquery
> 2. How do I get it clear itself and the dom of its items
> 3. How do I reload it without it still having the old number of items
> etc.
> Many thanks
> Lee

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