Not showing your js function doesn't help much.

All .group are descendants of .map, it's not about context.

Maybe you want this (rough):

var xml = '<map>';
$(this).find('> .group').each(function(){
   xml += '<group>';
   $(this).find('> .group').each(function(){
      xml += '<group>';
      xml += $(this).text();
      xml += '</group>';
   xml += '</group>';
xml+= '</map>';

On Mar 3, 5:27 pm, DReed <> wrote:
> I have been struggling with trying to do the following... perhaps I am
> looking at it "too" hard since I have a feeling the solution is right
> in front of me (i hope).
> I have something like the following:
> <div class="map">
>    <div class="title">Title</div>
>    <div class="group">
>        Group Name 1
>        <div class="group">Group Name 1-1</div>
>    </div>
>    <div class="group">
>        Group Name 2
>        <div class="group">Group Name 2-1</div>
>    </div>
> </div>
> I would like to turn this into XML, like:
> <map>
>    <title>Title</title>
>    <group>Group Name 1
>       <group>Group Name 1-1</group>
>    </group>
>    <group>Group Name 2
>       <group>Group Name 2-1</group>
>    </group>
> </map>
> I have been trying using the .each() function but it doesn't seem to
> hold the context node (when my context is the .map node and I want to
> iterate the .group, it will iterate ALL of them, instead of the TWO
> directly under the .map element.  I can brute force this with some
> recursion but I thought there must be a way to retain the context of
> the jQuery.
> Perhaps the .each way isn't the right approach?
> Thanks in advance.

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