My apologies in advance for posting this question here - but I feel I've exhausted other avenues available/known to me and I don't know where else to seek help. Even direction to more appropriate forums to post such a query would be very helpful.

I'm having difficulty identifying a strange character that is being entered by forum users through a WYSIWIG editor (tinyMCE) running on a MS ASP site with an Access database.

The character appears as a box in IE and diamond/question mark in FF.

I've tried the following attempted fixes:
1. I've changed the charset from iso-8859-1 to UTF-8 without success. (see (iso-8859-1 charset) and (UTF-8 charset).
2. I've added 'accept-charset="UTF-8"' to the form - without success.
3. I've made sure that the charset meta tag comes immediately after the head statement - no improvement. 4. I've tried to identify the chr() value of the character. However, when I load an "infected" file into a hex viewer, 3 characters 'occupy' the space of the character - EF BF BD - but when I enter their chr() equivalents - 239, 191, 189 - in a 'search and destroy' operation, I cannot erase the character.
5. I've changed the WYSIWIG editor but still get the problem.
6. I've tried Experts Exchange for a solution without success.

This character seems to be mainly associated with either a space character - if I use the spacebar to insert two spaces between a word then one of those spaces is often 'translated' into the errant character - or if I add a blank line between two paragraphs - the character will appear between the p tags of the blank line that the editor inserts.

How can I solve this problem? How can I identify the character so that I can strip it out of the data stream before it is stored?

Thanks - Bruce

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