I believe Brian opted for the suggestion that doesn't involve string
munging; it's just using the natural index of the elements, no slicing
or dicing :)

On Mar 11, 1:01 am, Josh Powell <seas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> *shrugs* up to you, brian means to use string.splice(a); where a =
> number of characters before the index that is tacked on. so if the
> name/id is foo_1, foo_2 then you'll do:
> $('[id^=foo_]').change(function() {
>     $('[name=post-amount_' + $(this).attr('id').slice(3)  + ]').val($
> (this).val());
> });
> I personally find this kind of string munging difficult to read and
> maintain.  Could just be personal preference though.  Good luck.
> Josh Powell
> On Mar 10, 10:39 pm, Eric Gun <gunawan.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > @mkmanning: Well done!! Your script works well. Thanks, and great
> > job! :)
> > @brian-263: Thanks for the idea. Yup, i'm using PHP as i said before.
> > Therefore, i need those '[]'.
> > Anyway, i'm still curious with what you mean by 'parse out the index
> > from each of the IDs ...'. I'm not really sure how to do it. If you
> > don't mind, can you give me an example script?
> > @Josh Powell: Thanks for being the first one to reply my post :)
> > I'm sorry, but i'm afraid i agree with brian-263 about better not
> > making up new attribute instead of optimizing pre-defined ones.
> > @all: Maybe i was wrong to explain my problem when i used the word
> > 'instantly' (as this is my first post :) In fact, the 'deal-post'
> > table is located in different tab panel with the 'deal-summary' one
> > (i'm using JQuery UI plugin for tabs). So, i will drop the 'keyup'
> > event and also forget about autocomplete plugins for now. I will use
> > the 'change' event instead, as i think it's enough for me.
> > Thanks guys!!!
> > On Mar 10, 4:07 pm, Eric Gun <gunawan.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Sorry guys, just had a couple days off.
> > > I will look forward to your answers and reply back here soon.
> > > Thanks for concerning,
> > > Regards,
> > > On Mar 8, 8:22 am, mkmanning <michaell...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > With the markup example in the OP, use this:
> > > > var dp = $('#deal-post tbody tr');
> > > > dp.find('input[name^=dealAmount]').keyup(function(){
> > > >         var amount =  $(this);
> > > >         $('#deal-summary tbody tr:eq('+dp.index(amount.closest('tr'))
> > > > +')').find('td.inc-current').text(amount.val());
> > > > });
> > > > On Mar 7, 4:10 pm, brian <bally.z...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 6:21 PM, Josh Powell <seas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > > > 6 of one... half dozen of another...
> > > > > I don't buy that. I've suggested using an attribute whose purpose is
> > > > > well defined. Making up attributes that aren't represented by the
> > > > > DOCTYPE is a bad idea. Don't get me wrong--I've done it before. Though
> > > > > always to store temporary info. Happily, we have data for that, now.
> > > > > The OP's needs, though, are to identify table cells as being connected
> > > > > to specific text inputs. That's what ID is for.

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