How about

$('#orderlineform #productlisting').load('orderProxy.cfm',

On Mar 11, 11:19 am, Todd Rafferty <> wrote:
> I have a drop down that is being generated via load() - to be 100%
> clear, I'll restate that. The drop down does not exist on the actual
> page.  I'm doing this:
>         $('#orderlineform #productlisting').load('orderProxy.cfm',
>                 {
>                          mode:'getAvailableProducts'
>                         ,ordergrade_id:ordergrade_id
>                         ,order_id:order_id
>                 }
>         );
> This is generating the drop down for me and putting it inside the
> #produclisting span for me. Now, just attaching a 'change' event on it
> wasn't working, so I looked into livequery() (eventually live() ) --
> using it works just fine in FireFox, but fails in IE.
> $('#orderlineform #product_id').live('change',isRentalActive);
> -----
> function isRentalActive(){
>         var data = $("#orderlineform #product_id option:selected").metadata
> ({type:'attr',name:'data'});
>         alert(data);
>         return false;
>         if(data.return_flag == 0){
>                 $('.rental').css("display", "table-row-group").show();
>         }else{
>                 $('.rental').hide();
>         }
> }
> Any suggestions as to why this is failing in IE?
> Thanks,
> ~Todd

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