Hi! have a little (or big) problem with my page. i'll describe the
issue to give you a photograph of that.

I'm creating a site wich the main purpose is publish graphs or maps,
with php/mysql/jquery. Got an index page and then using jquery to load
all the pages on a div called iframe_style. The main problem its that
when i'll click on a object that calls a page wich load all the maps
from specific issue. it load sometimes and sometimes don't.. i think
that when the server of the database take some time in processing the
consult then its when it can't print anything, so, i wondering if with
jquery can't do a delay function or something like this:

1.- when my consult and all the php are done then
2.- print that in the iframe_style.

please need help, if you want to see the site or give it a try its on
www.siafeson.com, on the menu  on [Cul. Anuales] and [Cul. Perenes]

thanks in advantage

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