var arrayList2 = $(".list");  // set of elements with class 'list'
$.each(arrayList2, function() {

Note that this will have all the elements display at once
(technically). If you want it so that one appears, then another one
appears maybe a second later, then another appears a second later,
etc. you'd have to add some kind of timeout or something.

On Mar 16, 12:27 pm, Tom  Shafer <> wrote:
> how can i loop through each div on a page and have them appear one by
> one
> i am trying
> var arrayList2 = $.makeArray(document.getElementsByClassName
> (".type"));
>                                                 $.each(arrayList2,function() {
>                                                         $(this).show();
>                                                 });
> thanks
> -tj

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