No, just to make it real simple:

function test(){
        var vis = $j('li.jqtip:visible').length;
        alert(vis);     //correct alert OK, returns some number here!
{ alert('something here'); //nothing happens !!!

All alerts inside .each(function.... do not work.

Any ideas?

On Mar 18, 7:18 am, James <> wrote:
> What happens if you remove the code for the qtip and leave the alert?
> On Mar 17, 10:14 am, Andy789 <> wrote:
> > Yes, this is what i was doing, but puzzled as why the second alert
> > never triggers:
> >functiontips(){
> > alert($j('li.jqtip:visible').length); //returns 9
> > $j('li.jqtip:visible').each(function()
> > {  alert('something here'); //returns nothing, but thefunctionis
> > working and creates tooltips !!!!!!
> >    $j(this).qtip({ ..............
> > How is that possible?
> > On Mar 18, 12:28 am, MorningZ <> wrote:
> > > First, it would be wise to see what your selector returns
> > > functiontips(){
> > >     alert($j('li.jqtip:visible').length);
> > > }
> > > if that returns "0", then your selector is wrong
> > > to help with that, there was this excellent post about breaking
> > > changes in 1.3.2 release, in your case reading the ":visible" section
> > > would probably be of great help
> > >
> > > Andy789 wrote:
> > > > Hi All,
> > > > Here is a simplefunction- works fine, but I cannot get alerts for
> > > > debugging - no errors - no alerts:
> > > >functiontips(){
> > > > $j('li.jqtip:visible').each(function()
> > > > {  alert('something here'); //this alert is not working !!!!!!
> > > >    $j(this).qtip({
> > > >    content: $j(this).attr('title'),
> > > >    show: { effect: 'grow', length: 400 },
> > > >    hide: { effect: 'grow', length: 400 },
> > > >    position: {
> > > >               corner: {
> > > >          target: 'topMiddle',
> > > >          tooltip: 'bottomLeft'
> > > >       }
> > > > },
> > > >    style: {
> > > >      tip: 'bottomLeft',
> > > >      name: 'dark',
> > > >       border: {
> > > >          width: 2,
> > > >          radius: 8
> > > >          //color: '#666666'
> > > >       },
> > > >       width: 200
> > > > }
> > > >                             });
> > > > });
> > > > }
> > > > What is wrong here? I feel it is something very obvious...

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