Hi guys (and probably Mike directly given how quickly he answers

I've been a long time user of the ajaxForm plugin but as of right now
I cannot get file uploads happening. It's the same story you can read
on here a tonne of times - the form submits fine over POST as AJAX but
as soon as you fill in the file upload field, it bombs. The catch is,
I don't have any fields with the name/ID of 'submit' in the form - the
submit button is id="submit_button" and name="sbmt_button" (because
recently you were just matching whether the name started with submit
at all so I changed it). I've also tried changing the ID to
"sbmt_button" with no change.

I'm using jQuery 1.3.2 and v2.24 of the form plugin, and I can provide
access to the pages it's happening on if requested.

Thanks in advance.

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