
Thank you!

I dumped the website comps onto my personal server and it works
flawlessly.  Seems like the setup here at work must have a bug on the
server side somewhere.

Hmm, guess it is time to have the developer look at the server code.
This could be a nightmare now.

Thanks for the help though.


On Mar 18, 6:06 pm, brian <> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 8:30 PM, Christoph <> wrote:
> > Hi guys,
> > I have a quick problem I stumbled upon.
> > Here is the background on the situation.  I'm creating a website that
> > uses templates for the header, body, and footer.  In a sense it is a
> > modular website with all .php extensions being called in the body
> > document using <?php include("header.php"); ?> for the header and <?
> > php include("footer.php"); ?> being called for the footer.
> > Here is the problem.
> > When any browser renders the page, the page loads the php first and
> > then it pauses and gets hung up loading the jQuery and CSS for around
> > 10-15 seconds.  Glitchy is the best description.  I tried the document
> > ready tag on the jQuery code being called and it does not do a thing
> > to improve the problem.  When the document is first loaded, all the
> > hidden elements from a jQuery cycle plug are visible, the nav images
> > are missing, and depending upon which browser is viewing the page the
> > specific css style is missing for 10-15 seconds.
> > I converted the page back into a .html extension file and it works
> > perfectly like it should with the document ready tag.
> > Does anyone have any ideas or help?  If possible I'd like to stick
> > with the .php templates.
> The browser does not load the "php" bits first. PHP parses scripts and
> outputs a single page (HTML, in this case) to the browser. The only
> way in which it would load the php parts first is if you were using JS
> to fetch them somehow (which doesn't even make sense).
> The problem you're seeing is probably due to some nasty PHP issue,
> you're using jquery incorrectly, or you've got very broken HTML.
> Also, Firebug can cause jquery pages to load extremely slowly. I've
> experienced much longer than 10 to 15 second load times so I'd check
> that if you have it installed.

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