The risk with linking to a "latest" build is that something will break
when the linked-to version of jquery changes. Imagine for instance
that you made heavy use of @selectors, and were running live with
these when the change was made from 1.2 to 1.3. Your site would break.
Such eventualities as this are not impossible in the future.

I'd always recommend linking to a specific version of the code and
testing your site before upgrading the live version of jQuery, that
way you eliminate the possibility of bugs creeping in. Your site has a
dependency on a specific version of jQuery to function, and you need
to ensure that it still works when upgraded.


On Mar 22, 3:37 pm, mkmanning <> wrote:
> You can link to the latest major number, for 
> example
> gets you 1.3.2; it will automatically update to the next 1.#.# version
> when available.
> Gets you 1.2.6 (the latest version with the minor 2)
> gets you 1.2.3 explicitly
> The one thing to be careful about is if you have code that is version
> dependent, (e.g. jQuery UI), it may fall out of sync with Google's
> update.
> On Mar 22, 3:54 am, Microbe <> wrote:
> > Thanks for that, but if you use it, aren't you linking to a specific
> > version number?
> > Their example is 
> > "path:";
> > So what happens if right though my code I call that file and then
> > 1.3.3 comes out?

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