I love this place.

Thanks so much everyone.

My coding practises just shifted :)


On Mar 25, 5:55 am, MorningZ <morni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> To build on James reply
> Using more CDNs allow your user's browser to download more
> simultaneously
> http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html#cdn
> On Mar 24, 2:33 pm, James <james.gp....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think the idea is that if many sites used the Google hosted script,
> > and your visitor happened to visit one of them, it's probably already
> > in their browser cache, so your site will have one less file to load.
> > Google has servers all over the world, so it's unlikely the service
> > will be down, but it is possible I guess. Also, because of that, the
> > browser might also fetch a closer file for the visitor's location
> > (thus, quicker download). Additionally, since it's loading from
> > Google's server, it doesn't use your bandwidth.
> > On Mar 23, 10:18 pm, Microbe <xxxmicrobe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Yup, I hear ya all and now understand the issue.  Especially Sam's
> > > point that upgrading automatically may break a function somewhere.
> > > Thanks so much for the replies.
> > > Much appreciated.
> > > I guess the last question is "is there any advantage in linking to the
> > > google hosted scripts rather than hosting them myself?"
> > > Doesn't this leave the possibility that if google's server is down my
> > > site breaks.  Whereas if my server is down for some reason, well...it
> > > is ALL down.

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