you have a drupal module for insert blocks with pictures using the
Cross-slide jquery plugin:

Hope this helps

On Feb 2, 6:39 am, Wonder95 <> wrote:
> I'm trying to implement the CrossSlide plugin with Drupal and I'm not
> having any luck.  Based on some help I got from this group, I have
> this code that sets a different banner depending on the URL in
> script.js (
> Drupal.behaviors.setBanner = function (context) {
>     var img = {
>         '/content/about-us': 'images/OPS-Banner-02.jpg',
>                 '/content/services': 'images/OPS-Banner-03.jpg',
>         '/content/ops-armory': 'images/OPS-Banner-04.jpg',
>                 '/content/careers': 'images/OPS-Banner-07.jpg',
>                 '/contact': 'images/OPS-Banner-08.jpg',
>                 '/user': 'images/OPS-Banner-05.jpg'
>     }[location.pathname] || 'OPS-Banner-01.jpg';
>     $("td#header").css("background","url(/sites/all/themes/theme060/
> images/" + img + ") no-repeat");
> };
> So I have the jquery.cross-slide.js file included in the header, and
> this code in script.js:
> Drupal.behaviors.crossSlideBanner = function (context) {
>   $('td#header').crossSlide({
>     sleep: 5, //in sec
>     fade: 2    //in sec
>   }, [
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-01.jpg'},
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-02.jpg'},
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-03.jpg'},
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-04.jpg'},
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-05.jpg'},
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-06.jpg'},
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-07.jpg'},
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-08.jpg'},
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-09.jpg'},
>     { src: 'images/OPS-Banner-10.jpg'}
>   ]);
> };
> But I get nothing displayed.  The only thing I can think of is that my
> original script sets the background property of td#header, where
> CrossSlide replaces the content of td#header.  Even so, it seems that
> I should see something at least.
> Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?
> Thanks.
> Steve

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