> Do you need jQueryfor that? Can't you jut use the HTML tag
> <scrolling="no"> in the frame you don't want scrollbars 
> in?http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/present/frames.html
> On Mar 28, 4:41 am, themba <themba.ntl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thank you, my problem is that a normal iframe cannot have an auto
> > height, I don't want any scroll bars shown, the iframe should be
> > resized according to contents.

I think themba wants a seemless display, where the iframe auto-sizes
to fit it's content.  This requires communication between the iframe
page and the host page and thus will only work if the two pages come
from the same domain.  Since the two pages in question use different
technologies, presumably they are coming from different domains and
thus will not be able to communicate due to browser security.


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