> I found that using cycle plugin byhttp://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/is
> very nice while seeing the page with FF and the rest. However, ie6 and
> ie7 sometime can't load the slide show well. To explain in details,
> ie6 and 7 at the firsttime loading page can't load the image for my
> website. However the second time i visit the same page with cycle
> pluging embedded, it would work fine.
> I don't know if someone experience the same problem. I am not sure if
> it's about the size of image. Should i reduce it? or i should i move
> the javascript code from the header to the body?
> Thanks

That's not much info to go on.  What version of Cycle are you using?
Have you tried the latest?  Can you post a link to your  page?

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