I can only guess that you've set the loop-delay too soon, and don't
control if the image have been loaded. That would explain why it looks
better the next time you arrive, since the image will be in the

There's a couple of ways to go around this:
1) Load the cycle plugin onload instead onDomReady
2) Set a generic initial delay of the script (like 10 seconds)
3) Check if  the image have been downloaded before you initialize the

On 30 Mar, 12:48, mangajin <sushisupers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I found that using cycle plugin byhttp://jquery.malsup.com/cycle/is
> very nice while seeing the page with FF and the rest. However, ie6 and
> ie7 sometime can't load the slide show well. To explain in details,
> ie6 and 7 at the firsttime loading page can't load the image for my
> website. However the second time i visit the same page with cycle
> pluging embedded, it would work fine.
> I don't know if someone experience the same problem. I am not sure if
> it's about the size of image. Should i reduce it? or i should i move
> the javascript code from the header to the body?
> Thanks

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