I'm trying to integrate the Validation plug-in with an ASP.NET site
using ASMX services. The service is very simple: it takes in two
strings and returns a boolean. I can see valid XML response in
Firebug, but the plugin doesn't seem to process it properly. Both true
and false return values result in no form submission and no error
message (and any previous error messages, e.g., "You must enter at
least 10 numbers") are not cleared.

Here's my validation code:

                rules: {
                        phoneNumber: {
                                required: true,
                                minlength: 5,
                                remote: {
                                        data: {
                                                countryId: function() {
                messages: {
                        phoneNumber: {
                                required: "A mobile number is required.",
                                minlength: $.format("Enter at least {0} 
                                remote: "Invalid phone number for this carrier."

The response from the ASMX service is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<boolean xmlns="http://svc.picdial.com/WebServices/";>true</boolean>

The end result is the same whether the Web service returns true or

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