The plugin expects a JSON true/false response, which you don't
provide. You could set the dataFilter-ajax-option (see to postprocess the

remote: {
  url: "webservice...",
  dataFilter: function(data) {
     return process(data);


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 7:05 AM, pbarnes <> wrote:
> I'm trying to integrate the Validation plug-in with an ASP.NET site
> using ASMX services. The service is very simple: it takes in two
> strings and returns a boolean. I can see valid XML response in
> Firebug, but the plugin doesn't seem to process it properly. Both true
> and false return values result in no form submission and no error
> message (and any previous error messages, e.g., "You must enter at
> least 10 numbers") are not cleared.
> Here's my validation code:
>        $('#aspnetForm').validate({
>                rules: {
>                        phoneNumber: {
>                                required: true,
>                                minlength: 5,
>                                remote: {
>                                        url: 
> 'CorpSiteService.asmx/ValidatePhoneNumber',
>                                        data: {
>                                                countryId: function() {
>                                                        return 
> $('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolderBody_uxCountryDropDown').val
> ();
>                                                }
>                                        }
>                                }
>                        }
>                },
>                messages: {
>                        phoneNumber: {
>                                required: "A mobile number is required.",
>                                minlength: $.format("Enter at least {0} 
> characters"),
>                                remote: "Invalid phone number for this 
> carrier."
>                        }
>                }
>        });
> The response from the ASMX service is:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <boolean xmlns="";>true</boolean>
> The end result is the same whether the Web service returns true or
> false.

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